Beginners Guide to Start a Successful Blog for Free in 2018

Hey! are you wondering on starting a blog in 2018? Want to kick-start your offline work into online business or wanted to earn money online. If so then today in this tutorial you will let you know how to start a successful blog for free in 2018.

Being a tech-savvy guy am happy that you are here and reading my post intending to start up your online journey.

Making a blog is not just about earning money online. It's also a great attachment to share your thoughts and emotions with the world.

In this tutorial, I will provide you with the simplest and best beginners guide to start a blog.

You might be wondering that starting a blog would take huge technical skills and knowledge, in some sense you are true. But I will show you with the simplest process with no technical knowledge you can start up your blog online.

Now, might be you are having various questions in your mind but don't worry I will answer each and every single probable answer which beginners get stucks up in their mind. Let's get started.

The 7 steps to start a successful blog with no coding knowledge and earn money online.

1. Pick your blogging niche.
2. Choose your blogging platform.
  • List of all blogging platforms.
3. Buy a domain name.
  • How to buy a domain name with the cheapest price.
4. Connect your domain name to the server.
  • How to connect the domain to a server.
5. Pick a nice free or premium theme.
  • Top 10 Blogger templates in 2018.
6. Customize (design) your blog with your own taste.
  • How to make a stylish well design blog.
7. Write compelling articles.
  • How to write a perfect readers choice article

Why should you start a blog?

Starting a blog will let you open a new door to share your thoughts and insights with your powerful words among the different communities of the world.

If you start a blog then not only you can share your words with the world, but also you can earn money online for your livelihood from your blog using different methodologies.

How to Start a Blog?

  • Pick your niche - A successful blog starts with a powerful niche. If you just start a blog randomly without picking a trending niche or a niche which has enough monthly searches then you can't succeed from your blog. Your niche should be keyword specific with enough monthly searches. So that people should search what you are writing for them.
  • Choose your Blogging Platform - Being beginner newbies gets stucks up which blogging platform they should pick. Since there were tons of blogging platforms newbies just go randomly and when understand the power of blogging they cry. To all newbies, I recommend you should start your first blog on blogger. I've written a post relating how to create a blog under 5 minute.
 ➤ Why it is recommended for all newbies to start up their first blog on
  • Buy a domain name - A domain name is the name of the of your online address like as my address is HOWTOFACT.XYZ and MATHZAG. A step by step guide on How to buy a domain name I have written. You check and buy a domain name from the following tutorial.
  • Connect your domain name to the server - After buying a domain name it has to be connected to the server. If you don't connect your domains DNS, HOST, LABEL, CNAME, ANAME properly then your new domain name won't connect your blog site. I had written a detailed tutorial on how to connect the domain name to the server. Check out and apply to your blog site properly unless your domain name won't work on your blog site.
  • Pick a nice free or premium template - A template is the design of your blog. A nice template gives an appealing look to your blog. If your template is professional then your blog or website will be professional. So, its the most important part to choose a professional looking blogger template for your blog. Also, a good template can enhance your SEO by providing you with many facilities. Check out 10 best SEO friendly template for blogger blog and make your blog looks professional.
  • Customize your blog - Customizing your blog means modifying your blog with your own style. Either you choose Wordpress or blogger as your blogging platform plugins or widgets adds additional value to your blog. Example, if you wanted to show recent post widget in your sidebar you have to add plugin or sidebar. Also customizing your blog covers webmaster setting, search preference settings, Off-Page SEO, On-Page SEO and more for your search engine discovery.
  • Write compelling contents Now you are just one step behind to start a successful blog. All the vital steps you have passed by for creating your blog. Now, its time to write some compelling blog posts. Before writing any post in your blog you have you to keep in mind that post which you are going to write should to be searchable in any search engine result (SEO Optimized) as well as readers friendly (eye catching article). You have to balance both the ratios unless your blog post wont receive any value. You may able to write a perfect readers choice article but your post wont be searchable in google or any other search results. You have to optimize your post both for readers as well as for search engines.
  ➤ How to write a perfect SEO optimized article for Blogger?
  ➤ How to write an well optimized blog post both for readers?

How to create a Blog: Step by step Process to create a successful Blog for free.

Check Out my step by step detailed beginners guide tutorial on how to create a successful blog in 2018. Video includes step by step elaborated process for every mentioned steps.

20 Reasons You Should Start a Blog

Check out this latest 20 reasons why you should start a blog in 2018. I think this latest post for starting a blog will motivate you why you should start a blog in no time. I wrote that post solely for all newbies who has some creative passions to do something new and put their creative art in-front of the world through their writing skills. I think you should read this post for once to get the in-depth knowledge regarding blogging, why and how you should start a blog. The post covers purpose of blogging not just to earn money online but to discover your thoughts and emotions with your powerful words so start a blog.

Top 5 Reasons You Should Not Start a Blog

Now you learnt 20 reasons why you should start a blog, and we've provided you step by step guide to start a blog, based on my experience. Since a coin has two faces you should know it's demerits too. Here we've listed top 5 reasons why you shouldn't start a blog. Here I've listed all detailed facts based on my personal experience which i have faced in my blogging career. (NOTE: In this part we don't mean to distract you to change your decision and passion to start a blog. I just wanted to show you the real opposite face of blogging life.)

1.Blogging for Money: If you're thinking to start blogging for money, I recommend you just forget about blogging dream and leave right away. 

Blogging won't make you rich overnight. It may take years to build a successful blogDon't dream about blogging would make you rich. 

Most of the bloggers don't succeed to earn a single penny from blogging. Not a single blogger succeeded in their first attempt. It takes years to grab the success key. 

If you are able to provide solution to readers query obviously you can grow your blog and earn quality money by various means but that would take time. 

Before putting your step in this hypothetical world you think twice in your mind, are you really ready to spoil your 100's hours blindly. You never know either you succeed or not. Step in this world only if you are really enthusiastic about blogging and wanted to share your thoughts and knowledge with the world.

2.Internet Freak: As you will start leaning more about blogging automatically you will spent more time on internet. Slowly and suddenly your free time will disappear. 

In the beginner stage most of the time you will spend your time to change the appearence of your blog and try to customize your blog as of popular blogs which you visit for getting information about blogging. Being crazy all the time your googling query will change to all "how-to" stuffs. Among them, some of the most common were:
  1. Best good looking theme free download.
  2. Premium blogger template free download.
  3. What are the best good looking seo friendly theme for blogger?
  4. How to remove footer credit from blogger?
  5. How to write a perfect seo friendly article?
  6. How to do webmaster settings?
  7. What is Off page and on page seo?
  8. How to do on page seo?
  9. How to do off page seo?
  10. How to approve google adsense for new blog?
  11. What is the minimum traffic to get approved by google adsense?
  12. Why my google adsense always get rejected?
  13. What are the requirement to get approved by google adsense?
  14. What are the best alternatives of google adsense?
  15. Why my article do not rank on google?
  16. How to rank article on google?
  17. How to do SEO on blogger?
  18. How to do keyword reasearch?

Never ending list goes on...

In a simple word you will forget everything for improving your blog. By the way it's my personal experience obviously that will match with you too. I call this Universal Law of Blogging. 😜

3 .Coffee Addict : Whether you like or don't like coffee doesn't matter if you are serious about blogging and make it your passion soon you gonna coffee addict. 

Whether you agree or not a great article can't be accomplish without a cup of coffee.☕

Most of your daily fluid intake going to be changed to coffee.πŸ˜†

You will start posting coffee on your facebook and all social media accounts. πŸ™

4 .Traffic: Before creating your blog you might be wondering that it's pretty simple just by writing post it will be visible on internet and people will start reading your blog post and you will started to receive millions of visitors and earn money online easily.

Don't ever dream receiving organic visitors is so simple! You would have to spent insane time for On Page SEO, Off Page SEO, Quality Article, Proper Keyword research and many more things.

Don't grow any such hypothetical imagination. Seriously saying it's insanely tough to rank a post No.1 in google.

You have to fully devote yourself to rank your post and blog No.1 in google.

So, if you have any fake myth just remove that.

5 .Crazy thoughts and ideas: As you will start blogging and get yourself more in-depth about blogging you automatically started to crazy insane ideas.

Your natural life will become disaster.

Instead of spending time with your girlfriend/boyfriend you would prefer to spent time on computer.

You will start to grow crazy insane ideas to drive traffic to your blog.

You will start to spam everywhere on internet with your blog link.

Insanely you will start every single topics and concept into more explanatory methods.

You will read others post and try to put in action same topic you just read in your blog.

You're not an expert of anything but suddenly after blogging you will try to behave like as your are very much expertise in this stuff. But from inside you also know that it's hollow lOlπŸ˜…. But your life will change that way.

Your crazy thoughts and ideas will lead your ready mindset change tooπŸ™†. They will also started to thinking themselves expertise on something actually the topic which just now they learnt from reading your blog. I call this Universal Law of Virus.πŸ™ˆ

I gurantee you such crazy thoughts and ideas suddenly you gonna start to grow in your mind, you never imagined off will change your life. You will started to become active on social media more than a teenager to drive just a single visitor in your blog. πŸ’€

Dude that's all were real life my experience. Before stepping in this crazy world think thrice.

Top 10 Best Blogging platform to build a successful blog

Though people only talks about Blogspot and Wordpress were the best website building platform to start a blog. But it's not true. Even Blogspot as well as Wordpress were not coded in different platform😸

Check out these latest 10 best blogging platform to start a blog in 2018. Some of them were paid and some were free blogging platform. 

20 Best Profitable Viral Blogging niche to start a successful Blog

Might be you have brought a custom domain,hosting and already build your blog on any blogging platform. Now seriously started writing some descriptive blog posts, but sorry to interrupt that all niches wont work in blogging world. Before landing your blog you have to do some serious keyword research and discover a profitable niche which suits best for your category.

Most of the bloggers even me when started blogging did the same mistake. So before starting your blog i strongly recommend you to do some serious research about which keyword has good monthly search volume as well low difficulty to rank easily to google.

For keyword research I prefer Google Keyword Planner and Google Trends both were luckily free and very accurate more than anything else. 

Check each and every single keyword/niche which you're intending to build your blog about, with past one year search trend. Also use kwfinder to see the difficulty level. Though its a paid tool but daily you can check 5 times for free. This tool is really very awesome to check what is the difficulty level, search volume, search result, organic competitor and more.

For your ease i listed out 20 most profitable niche which you can check to start a blog which really gonna be profitable for you.

Top 20 Recommendations for Your Blog

Being a newbie i started blogging with zero knowledge and i learned so many different things. I created many blogs, bought tons of domains, experimented different things, did huge mistakes, overcame and overruled that mistakes. At last a month back i created this blog to share my blogging experience and knowledge to all newbies.

With my knowledge based on my personal blogging experience i picked 20 recommendations for your blog which you should check out before making your blog. I believe that will help you not to repeat that mistakes as i did being a newbie.


Now that you’ve learned how to start a blog—and why you should start a blog—now it's your time to put these knowledge/suggestions into action.

One thing you always keep in mind that you may read tons of blog posts written by world class experts. All those suggestions won't let you to gain some real knowledge unless or until you do mistakes. Your mistake will let you teach new lesson. So, won't hesitate if you've done any mistake. It's just the beginning, there were lot more to learn.

That's all, I hope am able to help you some extent to start a blog. If you liked my article and able to gain some knowledge let me know in comment section. And if you liked to further read our posts relating Blogging, Web Design, Making Money Online, Application Design, Online Tips, Tricks and more you can like our facebook page. Our  site is totally new. We appreciate our each and every single readers, and we need a strong relationship reach our words upto you. So, please like our facebook page, comment down in comment section and share our post to all social medias. If you have any query relating how to start a blog don't hesitate let us know, we are ready to help you.


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